How Can I Determine If a Mesothelioma Law Firm Is Reputable?

By | September 16, 2013

What Is Mesothelioma? Mesothelioma is a type of cancer almost exclusively caused by exposure to asbestos. Even though the use of asbestos has declined over recent decades, the incidence of the disease has not. This is because after initial asbestos exposure, the disease may take between 20 and 50 years to produce symptoms. Only after this long latency period can an oncologist make a certain diagnosis. At least 3,000 cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed each year in the U.S. Despite clear medical evidence going back to the early 1930s that asbestos exposure is responsible for lung disease and asbestos cancers, companies and the U.S. military continued exposing workers and the public to asbestos hazards. Through no fault of their own, thousands have contracted an asbestos related illness that severely reduces their life expectancy. The Devastating Effects of Mesothelioma A diagnosis of mesothelioma can devastate family finances. It results in lost time from work, expensive hospital treatment plus pain and suffering for you and your loved ones. Furthermore, your health insurance may cover only a fraction of the treatment cost. If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma or another asbestos related disease, you have legal recourse to financial assistance. Because companies were aware of the toxicity of this mineral but continued to make widespread use of it in construction materials and many other products, they can be held liable for your exposure and subsequent illness. A mesothelioma law firm can assist you in obtaining compensation. How Mesothelioma Lawsuits Differ There are two types of asbestos injury claims. If you were working directly with products containing asbestos, then you have primary asbestos exposure. People suffering from mesothelioma who did not suffer primary exposure have secondary asbestos exposure. For example, a spouse or co-worker who had primary asbestos exposure may in turn have exposed someone else. Additionally, there are two types of asbestos injury lawsuits. A personal injury claim is made on behalf of a living person who has mesothelioma. If the exposed person has passed away, the family can pursue a wrongful death lawsuit. Every Asbestos Lawsuit Is Unique The specific legal rights available to you depend in part on the state and county in which you file a claim. Furthermore, there are different types of compensation that may apply to your specific case. A mesothelioma attorney can evaluate your eligibility to file a lawsuit or to seek recovery via other options. He or she will explain all your options after a thorough review of your case. How a Qualified Mesothelioma Attorney Assists You Because of the complex options and time sensitivity in pursuing an asbestos related claim, it is highly recommended that you consult a qualified mesothelioma lawyer as soon as possible. States limit the amount of time to file a claim after a diagnosis of mesothelioma. Your attorney can determine your eligibility to file your suit in more than one state. Your responsibility in your case is to provide your attorney all relevant medical records plus any evidence that shows how you were exposed to asbestos directly or indirectly. Once your lawyer has the necessary information, he will inform you of your options and file a claim on your behalf. Normally, your participation is kept to a minimum since you may be too fatigued and ill to participate in all aspects of the lawsuit. A qualified asbestos lawyer will handle all the details and procedures of your case on your behalf. In fact, if you are too ill to participate, your attorney can file to expedite your case. The defendant usually attempts to delay the proceedings, but your attorney will keep the case moving forward. He will also file in the most favorable court. How to Locate a Reputable Mesothelioma Attorney Asbestos related lawsuits are taken on a contingency basis. This means that you will only pay your attorney if the case is won. At that time, the attorney receives a percentage of the damages for their efforts. The first step in finding a reputable attorney for your claim is to make sure they do not charge you upfront for their services. There are other factors to consider when selecting an attorney to represent you: • You are able to communicate clearly, comfortably and openly with one another. • He understands your specific disease and how to evaluate the damages. • He has actual experience of the entire case process for asbestos lawsuits. • If his office is distant from your home, he is willing to travel to you. • No attorney can promise winning a suit, so if he does pass him by. • Make sure the firm will return your calls in less than 24 hours. • Ask the attorney or case handler for at least three client references. You can double-check the reputation of a lawyer or the law firm with some research online too. Do not restrict your search to law firms that are geographically close to you because the best lawyer may be quite distant. Review their websites to ensure they are informative and professional. Check online legal directories for client reviews. When you have your first consultation, bring a list of questions and concerns to pose and calibrate how satisfied you are with the answers. Delay in Contacting an Asbestos Attorney Is Inadvisable Thousands of people suffering with mesothelioma or other asbestos related diseases have found financial relief for their families through mesothelioma lawsuits. If your asbestos exposure was due to negligence, then you are entitled for compensation for your illness and financial stability for your loved ones. A mesothelioma law firm knows what you are going through and how to achieve the best result in your specific case. You are well advised to set up a free consultation with a qualified attorney as soon as possible.

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